CENTRIFUGAL FOUNDRY +34 948 46 03 81 inox@inoxnaparra.com

General sales conditions


Prices are understood as ex-works in our warehouse.


The goods in this order are subject to payment of the amounts that the purchaser owes to Inox Naparra, S.A. at any given time. Failure by the purchaser to pay by any expiry date authorises Inox Naparra S.A. to remove and take charge of the products manufactured therein, claiming default power over the amount deemed necessary to cover the debtor credit.



All taxes that may result from this operation shall be covered by the purchaser.



The goods shall always be transported to the account and at the risk of the purchaser, even when the transit is freight paid.



The client takes full responsibility for the design of the pieces, based on the envisaged industrial result and for the purpose that only the client fully knows.

Therefore the client selects the technical specifications established, with the aim of defining, in all ways, the pieces to be produced, as well as the nature and methods of controls and trials imposed for receipt thereof.

Acceptance by the client of casting suggestions, relating to any improvements to the technical specifications, by no means will lead to a transfer of responsibility, with the design remaining, under all circumstances, under the sole responsibility of the client.



The casting guarantee consists in replacing the pieces that do not comply with the contracted technical specifications as quickly as possible, those pieces that do not comply with the model pieces expressly accepted by the client.

Under no circumstances does the guarantee apply:

  • To faults caused by a faulty piece during its use, if the client has committed a serious error by using it without proceeding to undertake all the controls required in its design.
  • To the operational costs undergone by the pieces before being put into service (mainly the controls and machining that detect rejectable defaults consistent with the contract), and that a qualified professional would not have committed despite the degree of difficulty when executing the pieces, unless the default is due to a serious casting error.
  • Any divergences that arise may be dealt with in the Pamplona Courts, expressly renouncing any other jurisdiction.